
Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Hello! This is the poem winner of the second prize of poetry in the Butarque ^^ Hope you like it!
It's not so personal, it's unlikely in me writing about love =)


¿Dónde estás que no te veo?
¿Dónde quedan nuestros sueños?
Vuelve, vuelve aún te quiero.

Te has ido, y no vuelves
Te has ido sin mis besos
No dejas ni una caricia
No dijiste ni un te quiero.

¿Dónde estás que no te veo?
¿Vuelves ya o es un sueño?
Vuelve, vuelve, te recuerdo.

Se me olvida tu sonrisa,
Tu tacto de terciopelo,
Como brillaban tus ojos
Que me hacían ver el cielo

¿Dónde estás que no te veo?
¿Cumplirás pronto mi sueño?
Vuelve, vuelve o me muero.

(c) Silvia San Segundo, 2008/2009

Mentiras mortales

Well, boys and girls, the teacher has asked the winners of the literature prizes to put them in the blog and here is mine! I really think it's too long, but it's in spanish, and easy to read... I hope the other winners will do it soon!


Volví a pegarle. Sería la última vez. Podía recuperar el control, calmarme. Una más. Y otra. Y una última en el estómago para dejarle en el suelo. Después me reí y miré a mis dos colegas. Carlos me miraba con su habitual expresión de admiración excesiva. Sentí como mi imagen se deshacía en sus ojos claros antes de mirar a Javier, un chico problemático pero poco agresivo, que me observaba con desaprobación.
-Podrías haberle matado, Adrián. Dime qué te ha hecho ese chaval.
-Es un pijo de mierda, tío, y lo sabes. Ese tío se ha ventilado a mi novia, ¿lo entiendes? Y todo gracias a una camisa de marca y unas zapatillas pijas.
-Quizá le guste –sugirió Carlos, sin malicia.
-Sí claro, y yo soy tu abuela, no te digo. A ninguna tía con un mínimo coeficiente intelectual le puede gustar un tío así.
Carlos bajó la cabeza, como de costumbre. En el fondo me parecía un cobarde, pero me hacía la pelota, y eso me convenía. Le miré detenidamente, y pensé que nunca me había parado a pensar en su aspecto. La verdad es que tenía pinta de chulo barato, pero, a pesar de mi narcisismo, debía reconocer que el tío era bastante guapo.
-Yo sólo digo que este muchacho no se merecía la paliza que le has metido, Adrián. Míralo, no puede ni moverse.
-Pues que llame a su mami.
-Le has roto el móvil –me indicó Carlos por lo bajini.
-¿Qué pasa tíos, que nos vamos a quedar aquí a que vengan los maderos? No quiero volver al reformatorio ese de mierda. Los vigilantes se creían bomberos, no te digo. Yo no vuelvo a pisar eso en la vida.
-Quizá deberías volver y aprender por qué estuviste allí, Adrián –habló de nuevo Javier.
-No quiero hablar de ese tema, tío.
-Tal vez deberías. Es sólo una sugerencia. Puedes hacer con tu vida lo que te dé la gana, que ya eres mayorcito. Pero si piensas que voy a dejar a este chavalín aquí tirado ya te puedes ir dando la vuelta con tu amigo, que ya le faltará tiempo para lamerte el culo. Yo me voy a quedar a ayudarlo.
-Vale ya, ¿no? Que yo no te he hecho nada, tío, ¿qué tienes contra mí? –le preguntó Carlos, encarándole.
-Tengamos la fiesta en paz, ¿no? Ya está bien, creo yo.
-No, de lo que ya está bien es de pegarle palizas a la gente porque te da la gana y encima traerte al niñato este para que disfrute el espectáculo. Adrián, tiene quince años y mucha vida por delante, y no creo que verle en unos cuantos años haciendo lo que tú vas haciendo sea una visión agradable.
-¿Te quieres tranquilizar tronco? –le pregunté a Javier, levantándole el puño.
-Siempre igual, te crees que con levantarme la mano lo tienes todo hecho, tío. Estás muy equivocado.
-¿Se puede saber qué ha pasado aquí? –una mujer joven, no muy alta, e increíblemente atractiva, se había arrodillado frente al pijo.
-No lo sabemos, pasábamos por aquí e intentamos ayudarle, pero mis amigos empezaron a discutir. –Sonrió Carlos.
-Gracias a Dios que he pasado, está escupiendo mucha sangre. Le han pegado bien. Sergio, ¿me oyes?
-Espere… ¿Le conoce?
-Por supuesto, es mi hermano. ¿Me ayudáis o no?
-Lo siento yo me tengo que pirar –solté sin pensar. Salí corriendo. Sólo pensaba en correr y llegar a casa sano y salvo. Sano y salvo, eso que el pijo de Sergio no podría cumplir esta noche. Lloré. Por primera vez en tres años, desde que salí del reformatorio, lloré. Las lágrimas fueron algo útil. Me llevaron a recapacitar sobre aquellos desaprovechados años, sobre que había cumplido veinte años y seguía comportándome como un niño. Y todo, absolutamente todo, porque mi novia, la exuberante y famosa Noelia, había decidido traicionarme. ¿Por qué me costaba tanto entenderlo?
-¿Adrián? –escuché una voz tras la puerta de mi habitación, y cuando abrí la puerta me encontré cara a cara con Sandra, mi hermana pequeña. Era una niña de trece años, guapa, bajita y rubia, con unos ojos verdes iguales a los míos, sólo que los suyos eran limpios y dulces.
Se sentó en mi cama y me cogió la mano.
-¿Qué ha pasado? –preguntó con su voz de soprano ligero.
-Nada –me sequé las lágrimas con el dorso de la mano, pero sospeché que ya era demasiado tarde.
Sandra se quedó mirando al vacío, con el rostro contraído y preocupado. Me incliné hacia ella para darle un beso en la mejilla, pero me rechazó, apartándose.
-¿No crees que hay que poner fin a esto?
-No veo el modo.
Sandra se giró y salió de la habitación, llorando ante una causa perdida.

-¿Estás loco, tío? –me dijo Javier, cuando, al día siguiente, quedamos para salir-. Aquella tía por poco nos mata. Nos quería llevar a declarar como testigos, y le tuvimos que decir que no habíamos visto nada. Aquello sí que fue bueno. Nos dijo que le habíamos pegado nosotros, y se lo llevó al hospital. Creo que está realmente grave.
Yo me reí y sonreí a Carlos, tratando de llamar su atención. Sin embargo, por primera vez, permaneció inmune a mi risa. No sabía que había pasado, pero todo había cambiado en una sola noche. O eso creí hasta que Carlos me devolvió la mirada y dibujó una sonrisa en su redondo rostro adolescente. Me sentí mucho más tranquilo.
-¿Vamos hoy a mi casa? –propuse-. No está mi hermana.
Javier pareció ponerse tenso, aunque deduje que sería un escalofrío.
-No… Vamos donde siempre –e inició el paso. ¿Desde cuándo se rechazaban mis propuestas?
Sin embargo les seguí hasta el pequeño y aislado parque dónde nos reuníamos normalmente. Me senté al borde de un banco y encendí un cigarrillo. Le ofrecí uno a los chicos, que declinaron la oferta. No sabía por qué, pero tenía un mal presentimiento. Mis temores se realizaron cuando vi un Audi recién matriculado dirigirse hacia nosotros. Pero cuando me giré para avisar a mis amigos, no había nadie.
-¿Qué queréis? –pregunté cuando un chaval alto, musculoso y moreno se acercó.
-Así que tú… Lo suponía. Te creías muy listo allí –lo recordaba. Era un chico del reformatorio, le había pegado para quitarle el tabaco en un par de ocasiones.
-¿A qué viene esto?
-Tu amiguito ese al que has pegado me ha pagado. Bueno, miento, lo ha hecho su adorable hermana. A tus amigos también les pagó. No se lo tengas en cuenta.
-¿Pagado para qué? -y vi el revólver.
Mi último pensamiento, fue para mi hermana, mi niña, la única persona que había confiado en mí. Por culpa de mis continuas mentiras, se iba a quedar sola. Recordé su rostro, y, arrepintiéndome de mi propia vida, me dejé llevar por la muerte.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The Butarque News 11

Literature Prizes & The International Day of the Book
Silvia San Segundo

The past March, as you must remember, we’d announce the winners of the Butarque Literary Contest. And, now, we’re inviting you to the Prize Giving.

It’s going to be celebrate on Thursday 23rd, because (I hope all you know it) it’s International Day of the Book. On April 23rd, three of the most popular and better writers (Shakespeare, Cervantes and Garcilaso) died.

So, in the morning, the Literature Department is going to proceed to give the winner their awards and then, some teachers and the winners will go to the centre of Leganés to read some fragments of “El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha”. It’s a tradition!

So if you haven’t got class and want to read it in public to celebrate International Day of the Book, come on and go to the Salvador Church and enjoy this beautiful book.

CDI Tests
Antonio Sánchez

On Thursday 21st we did the famous test of CDI (Conocimientos y Destrezas Indispensables or Essentials Knowledges and Squills). It's a test only for the Comunidad de Madrid students and it's to know how smart we are.

There are two parts: Maths and Language & Literature. A teacher of Luis Vives called Luis came to pass us the test. It wasn't difficult but not easy.

We all want to know the results but we don't know if they're going to tell it.

The school trip is going to be late
Mónica Palomares

On April 24 a few students of the institute were going to go to a contest of mathematical photography. The school trip was going to be in the zoo. Because of the bad weatherlike the school trip was cancelled and delayed. It will be on Wednesday 29th of April. I hope this day the weatherlike be good. Of this class go Silvia San Segundo , Héctor Egido and me, Mónica Palomares.

PS: this day is the final of the TV programma "Fama a bailar" and i hope you'll see it! It will be celebrated on Leganés' "Cubierta".

Monday, 13 April 2009


This Easter my parents led me to Glasgow of holidays to visit his city and all its monuments. Upon arrival the first thing we did was settle on a 4-star hotel, then ate and finally went to see the wonderful monuments containing Glasgow City starting with the stadium is called Celtic Hampden Park has hosted the final of the UEFA Cup in 2007 and the stadium is called the Glasgow ranger Inbox stadium. Then we went to the library Mitchell, spacious and comfortable, is considered one of the most important libraries of Europe for its extensive collection of books, newspapers, photographs and maps, I was shocked that you can find endless information and read a variety of books. Glasgow is a cultural city full of museums, art galleries, theatres most of them are public and free. Also visit the manufactures of cotton, textiles based on their trade, also in the abundance of coal and iron has become an important industrial centre of Scotland. What a pity! Just the holidays, but I am pleased to have gone to Glasgow City a major city for its great variety both as culture and sports industrial

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Easter in Glasgow

This Easter was the funniest Easter in all my life. My friends and I were to Glasgow, the second biggest city in Scotland and it was great!We arrived into Glasgow on Monday 6. We went to the Hunteriam Museum. Someone was yawning all the visit, but I’ve enjoyed a lot that place.We had dinner in the West End. And then, go to bed! We were very tired.

We spend all Tuesday’s morning shopping! Buchanan Street, Prince’s Square and Merchant City were great.The boys wanted to go to Celtic Park, the stadium of Celtic FC. We learnt a lot about this Glaswegian team, and we decided to visit the Ibrox Stadium, the stadium of the rival team Glasgow Rangers.

Wednesday was the day of excursions. We visited the Mackintosh Society and the Hill House.
In Thursday morning we visited the University of Glasgow, one of the oldest universities in Britain. We also were in Kelvingrove Park, a very big park next to the university.

In the afternoon we did the suitcases and went to the airport to came back home.

Silvia San Segundo - 3º B


Last summer I was in glasgow in one of the hotels in the Buchanan Street.
The first week I visited the Glasgow city. I saw many museums of this city like the Hunterian Museum and Hunterian Art Gallery,Burrel collection, where I saw pictures of painters as important as Renoirand Cezane, The Museum of the Transport. I shopped in the Princes square , it's fantastic ! ,there are many shops and bars , tea rooms and it's very big . I bought many things for my and my family.Also I was in the West End and there are incredible antique shops, places of crafts and old bookshops, things very originals. To eat I found a Spanish bar Barca Tapas Cafe Andaluz. The food was really nice it was as if you were in own Spain .
Also I visited the society of Mackintosh , and One of the things that more I liked was the stadium of the Celtic Glasgow .The stadium is impressive and the people are very nice and agreeable. And to end I visited the university of Glasgow .It's an enormous place and very curious of seeing and the boys were very gallants.
The trip was very exciting and enterteining .
I would like to return to Glasgow !.

I was to Glasgow

This Easter holidays my friends and I have been to Glasgow. This city is fantastic, it has got all, good shopping centres, very nice buildings and a interesting science centre.

The first day we decided to walk to The West End, I really like this quartier because it has got so beautiful houses and also an important history. The next day we went to Glasgow's Tower because the day was very good (it wasn't cloudy). The best of all were the sights, almost all the city can be watched. The next days we were in some importants shopping centres like Buchanana Street and also we were in the Hunterain Museum and seeing some Mackintosh works (a Glaswegian architect and later a pinter and a designer).

In conclusion, Glasgow it's fantastic and I had a very good time.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Four days in Glasgow

In the last summer my friends and I went to Glasgow for 4 days, the other most importan Scottish city. I liked stay here, because there were a lof of shops for buy presents to my family.The frist day we visited with a tourist guide George Square, Buchanan Street and Merchant City. The second day we went to the Hunterian Musium, in that place we saw a lot of diferents but fantastic exhibitions. The third at 7 pm we went to many differents pubs until 10 pm. Then we went to the hotel, it called Alexander Thomson. And the last days we decided did a party for celebrated the trip. In the morning we went to the airport to return to Madrid. With only 4 days you can visit Glasgow too.

Visit to Glasgow

Hello, what's up? I am going to count the trip I made last year to Scotland.

First I visited the capital, Edinburgh.

Then I went to Glasqow, which is a very nice city with nice people.

The first day, after leaving the bags in the most plushy hotel in Glasgow, I went to see the University, one of the oldest in Europe.

The next day I went to a match at the Celtic Football Club Celtic Park with other supporters.
Then we went to a café in Buchanan Street.

The next day, the last day of my visit, I went to see the beautiful cathedral, which is next to the university. Finally I saw the Hunterian Museum.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

End Of Year Trip

Dear teachers of Butarque:

I will sincerely tell you that we chose perfectly our destination; Glasgow is one of the most fascinating cities of Scotland!
Firstly, the day after arriving to the hotel, we decided to visit some shopping streets, and our guide recommend us going to Buckanan Street, in the city centre. There are a lot of shops that aren't in Leganés, so I personally took advantages of it and I bought some presents.

The next day, there were some planned activities: we could go to a football match where The Celtic Football Club played, we could visit the University of Glasgow, or finally we could do an art excursion, which showed us some Mackintosh works ( a Glaswegian architect) and the hunterian museum.

As a conclusion, I must tell that I visited everything due to we had a very long week. Besides we learnt a lot and enjoy our visit, but, don't be jealous; we tried to buy some souvenirs.

We´ll see when we arrive there. Wishes:


Wednesday, 8 April 2009


Hello Elena:

I must say I'm missing you a lot, but I'm also having so fun! I'm with all my friends visiting this wonderful city.

On Monday we went to the West End where we visited some streets like the Buchanan Street, the Prince's Square and the Merchant City. It was raining, but the city was beautiful with all the rain.

On Tuesday and on Wednesday we went to visit the Hunterian Museum, which has a fantastic dinosaur's footprints collection.

This summer I think you should visit the Mackintosh Museum and specially The Willow Tea Rooms.

This week-end The Old Firm is playing!

Kisses and love


I was in Glasgow

Dear Lucia:
Guess where I am writing from-I arrived to Glasgow six days ago after a few hours in a plane. After, I couldn´t speak with you because my mobile phone had dissapear.

This place´s fantastic because it rains a lot. I think it´s a perfect place for this holidays.

First, I visited the city centre where are the most importants shopping areas. I visited Buchanan shopping centre. I bought clothes and presents . I spent a lot of money. After,I visited museums and I met people. I learned a lot of languages.

Have to finish - I am going to visit more places in Glasgow because I think that it´s beautiful. Moreover, I am going to take pics for after you see.
I´ll see you when I arrive to Spain. I´ll write again from there.
love XX,

Monday, 6 April 2009

Letter from Glasgow

Dear Laura:

I arrived to Glasgow after a few hours. When I arrived, I went to our hotel and I got slept.

I first visited the city centre, the most important shopping areas of the city. I visited Buchanan Shopping Centre, and it was really cool! I bought some clothes and presents.

I also visited the West End. I really enjoyed that part of the city, because it has a great history.

I met some guys and we had a lot of things in common. Especially one of them was very nice.

The last day, they gave us their telephone number. They're the best part of Glasgow!


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Huckleberry Finn

As I told you, here is your compulsory reading for the third term, Huckleberrry Finn, by Mark Twain. We will use the Oxford Bookworms edition, Stage 2, Oxford University Press. You can find all the information clicking on this link.
I'd like to wish you a happy Easter holiday and I've got a present for you: this post from one of my friends' blogs, For my Students Only, where you can find a great selection of activities about Easter. I hope you enjoy them and find time to rest as well... See you again on April 14th!