Is a capital of Egypt,have a population of 24.285.000 habitants.
Are the more big city of the Africa.Egyptians call it the mother of all cities.Is ubicate in the islands of the river Nilo.Is created in 116 A.C in this days call old Cairo.
The city has the nickname of "The city that never sleeps".
Haved many places to visited,for example:
The piramids of Giza(Jufu,Jafra,Menkaura);Mezquita-Madraza of Sultán Hasán;Dam of Asuan;Lighthouse of Alexandria;Cairo museum;The Temples of Luxor and Karnak;The Pyramids of Giza;Funerary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut,iver Nilo...
Do sports like futball.
Know the culture of Cairo,eat traditional food...
Do turisms to the ten wonders:Las piramides de Gizeh,Los templos de Luxor y Karnak,El Templo de Ramses II,El Museo de El Cairo,El Valle de los Reyes,El Templo de Horus,La Piramide Escalonada,Los Colosos de Memnon,El Templo de Isis.
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